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Produkte und Fragen zum Begriff Galos-Z-J-SPLEEN:



    Preis: 15.99 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Galos, Z J: SPLEEN OF LOVE - Reinigung durch Liebe
    Galos, Z J: SPLEEN OF LOVE - Reinigung durch Liebe

    SPLEEN OF LOVE - Reinigung durch Liebe , Das Segelboot 'Gertrud' , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 15.99 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Galos, Z J: LOVE & ART
    Galos, Z J: LOVE & ART

    LOVE & ART , Love & Art is about a poet's creative workshop, where a poem follows a drawing or a drawing turns into a poem in an artistic cross-pollination. The poet offers these songs and the enclosed art in a series of volumes to all art lovers of this specific genre, he poet also calls ballads, as he often sang them, following his favourite interpreters and songwriters, together with one of his friends or muses, while he kept creative contacts with these 'birds of a feather' worldwide, celebrating with sweet 'Songs of Passion' in the heydays of happiness, but also with bitter tasting ballads of 'Ten Passion Songs' of life's darker moments. The poet, who is on a journey with an extended form of the traditional ballad, describes his life with a group of fellow poets and artists who partook in his creative workshops and poetry jam-sessions with a poetry club in San Francisco, USA, also including an actress who performed at a stage in Wiesbaden, Germany. In 'Secret Affairs', a homage to his friends in the world of art, he'll honour them with his 'Songs of Passion', who accompanied him on this thrill of an emotional roller coaster ride. Fascinated by Agi, a 40 year old woman with an erotic potential, just as the dark innocence of a Florida teen, besides the exotic birds from the web's world wide garden. He agreed with his muse, Athena: love is universal, no power on earth could ever lock it out, or let its magic flow dry up, and no way to stop the powers of its dynamic flow. 27 drawings, in the artist's unique style, expand on the poetry. With 'Ten Passion Songs': love is death, is death love? the poet reflects on his experience of an aftermath's drama of star crossed lovers, his despair of a great love's loss, and his dark thoughts about his life that had come to a sudden end. Yet, again with the help of his encouraging poetry friends, he found his way back to a positive life again. In 'electronic round dance', his befriended poetesses will dance with him having assured that the poet had found his way back to the joys of a positive life again. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 18.99 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Galos, Z J: MUSES III
    Galos, Z J: MUSES III

    MUSES III , Waking in Love , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 16.99 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Galos, Z J: Clouds II
    Galos, Z J: Clouds II

    Clouds II , When the poet experienced Aphrodite's personified sexual desires as a 'Dancing Eros' in Book I, he will also appear as a sweet 'Winged Child' throwing his arrows with a deadly aim, making no difference where or on what continent he'll show up, or which gender he chooses at random. But parties in full swing are his preferred spots to mingle, where the young and the young at heart gather with an expectation for a good time, a sensual flirt, or perhaps with good luck finding a matching partner in love. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 15.99 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Galos, Z J: Clouds I
    Galos, Z J: Clouds I

    Clouds I , Dancing Eros: The poet has written his reflections on the subject of Eros. Eroticism has been a great awakening to him through a rather exciting and dramatic relationship of a body, mind, and soul-moving experience that not only changed his approach to poetry and writing entirely but also his life in an upside-down mode of living on this cloud called 'Dancing Eros'. Wasn't it only for l'art pour l'art, but also a deep dive into the depths of his sensual being he wasn't aware of before? Being on the Cloud of Eros had been a unique experience with words of wings flying forth from the bottom of his being. Long live the winged child dancing on Clouds. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 15.99 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Galos, Z J: Die Informantin
    Galos, Z J: Die Informantin

    Die Informantin , Der Tango Mann erscheint , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 15.99 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Galos, Z J: MUSES IV
    Galos, Z J: MUSES IV

    MUSES IV , In Muses IV, 'Magic Unisons', as the title indicates, the word magic explains best those moments, when during the process of composing word sequences that gradually become verses and stanzas, and could lead to a whole cycle of compositions, like in the 'Chants of a Traveling Bard'. For love, in 'Magic Unisons', transferred into many shades of enjoyment and happy feelings, one's Muses certainly stimulate the poet with their sensual impulses: This cannot be stored like goods, but the traces of those happy moments are still embedded in the poet's soul and the souls of all people engaged in creative work. Fascinating are the times one spends looking through one's creative output of one year that usually happens at the end of it when the mood is influenced by dark ominous cloud formations, snowfall that reflects the dusky light, fine stringing rain, unexpected storms, and foggy mystical mornings. Indeed, magical unisons are unique. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 12.99 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Galos, Z J: The Informer
    Galos, Z J: The Informer

    The Informer , The Tango Man appears , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 15.99 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Galos, Z J: THE GREEK MUSE
    Galos, Z J: THE GREEK MUSE

    THE GREEK MUSE , Zsolt has had an interaction with his Muses from an early age, especially through the Internet, where he meets Rita, who pleads to be saved from being held prisoner. He decides to help Rita and travels to Greece. Takis, a PI, assists Zsolt with his rescue plans and follows up to neutralize Minos, the Bull-Man, who sets conditions to disclose Rita's whereabouts. The set conditions are tough and follow the Secret Rites of Eleusis, but with the help of friends, they have a chance to get through. Minos in his lair throws lavish parties that usually end in an orgy. and Rita is terrorized to eat part of the victim's heart, the Bull-Man has ripped from his next victim. Midge, the dwarf and second in command had been caught by Spiros, Takis 'brother, who operates a security unit. He'll cooperate to open the gates to Villa 'M' for the attackers and help Rita escape from her gilded cage. The date is set and the countdown begins. Zsolt and Myrto will dig through the labyrinth below to reach Rita's cage, while Takis and his brother will enter Villa 'M' above ground in a synchronized. way. Zsolt and Takis are prepared to face Minos head-on. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 17.99 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Galos, Z J: Red Tower Room
    Galos, Z J: Red Tower Room

    Red Tower Room , A Poet's Refuge , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 13.90 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Galos, Z J: Waking The Warbling Sound
    Galos, Z J: Waking The Warbling Sound

    Waking The Warbling Sound , From a Poet's Journal , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 12.99 € | Versand*: 0 €

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  • J oder nein?

    Das hängt von der Fragestellung ab. Bitte gib mehr Informationen, damit ich dir eine passende Antwort geben kann.

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  • Wann nm wann j?

    Die Buchstaben "n" und "m" sind Teil des Alphabets und haben keine spezifische zeitliche Bedeutung. Sie werden verwendet, um Buchstabenfolgen und Wörter zu bilden. Der Buchstabe "j" wird oft als Abkürzung für den Monat Juli verwendet.

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